Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Salesforce Dev 401 Certification Preparation

Certified Salesforce Administrator DEV 401 300x300 How To Pass the Salesforce Developer DEV 401 Exam With Free Resources

First of all, one need to understand the key point of taking Salesforce Developer track certification. As you might know, there are two certifications available for the development track.
  • The Certified Developer
  • The Certified Advanced Developer
For the sake of clarity, I’ll just repeat the official description here: 

The ‘ Developer’ certification is for those who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in building custom applications and analytics using the declarative capabilities of platform. 

What this means is that the ‘ Certified Developer’ certification merely focuses on declarative capabilities and not the coding capabilities, which is the subject of ‘ Certified Advanced Developer’ certification.

Resources to Pass Salesforce Developer Exam (DEV-401)
  1. Salesforce Developer Study Guide (PDF)
  2. Platform Fundamentals (Free)
  3. Premier training - Building Applications with and Visualforce (DEV401)
  4. Tip Sheets and Implementation Guides (Salesforce Help - Free)
  5. Workshop: Get Started on the Certified Developer Credential (Dream force video)

Specific Areas to Focus On
  1. Master-detail relationships
  2. Sharing rules and Org Wide Defaults
  3. Assignment rules
  4. Approval processes
  5. Junction Objects
  6. Workflows
  7. Custom report types
  8. Analytic snapshots
  9. Validation rules
  10. Field level security
  11. Record types
  12. Role hierarchy
  13. Relationship rules

Master-Detail Relationships
  1. Lookup or Master-Detail Relationship in Salesforce (Certified on Demand - video)
  2. Overview of Object Relationships (Salesforce Help)
  3. Considerations for Relationships (Salesforce Help)
  4. Master-Detail relationship (Johan Yu)

Sharing Rules and Org Wide Defaults
  1. Sharing rules Overview (Salesforce Help)
  2. Who sees what Record access via sharing rules (Salesforce video)
  3. How to configure: Sharing rules (Shell Black)
  4. Setting up Security Part 1 (Shell Black)
  5. How to configure OWDs (Shell Black)
  6. Security model (CoD)
  7. The Definitive Guide to Salesforce Security (Bluewolf)
  8. Sharing Rule Considerations (Salesforce Help)
  9. Criteria-Based Sharing Rules Overview (Salesforce Help)
  10. Creating Account Sharing Rules (Salesforce Help)
  11. Sharing Rule Categories (Salesforce Help)

Assignment Rules
  1. Lead Assignment Rules (Certified on Demand)
  2. Managing Assignment Rules (Salesforce Help)
  3. Setting up Assignment Rules (Salesforce Help)
  4. Viewing and Editing Assignment Rules (Salesforce Help)

Approval Processes
  1. Approval Processes Overview (Salesforce Help)
  2. Creating an Approval Process (Salesforce Help)
  3. Hands-on Training: Streamline Requests with Approval Processes (Dream force)
  4. Hands-on Training: Streamline Requests with Approval Processes (2) (Dream force)
  5. Serial and Parallel Approval Process (Johan Yu)

Junction Objects
  1. Introducing Junction Objects (Udacity)
  2. Creating a Many-to-Many Relationship (Salesforce Help)
  3. Deep dive into Junction Object (
  4. Create a Round Robin Lead or Case Assignment Rule (Shell Black)

  1. Creating Workflow Rules (Salesforce Help)
  2. Workflow Examples (Salesforce Help)
  3. Workflow and Approvals Overview (Salesforce Help)
  4. How to Configure Workflow: Rule Criteria (Shell Black)
  5. Salesforce Workflow Rules Part 1 (Shell Black)
  6. Salesforce Workflow Rules Part 2 – Immediate and Time Dependent (Shell Black)

Custom Report Types
  1. Hands-on Training: Put It All Together with Custom Report Types (Dream force)
  2. Report Types (CoD)
  3. Limits on Report Types (Salesforce Help)
  4. Add Child Objects to your Custom Report Type (Salesforce Help)
  5. Manage Custom Report Types (Salesforce Help)
  6. Set up a Custom Report Type (Salesforce Help)
  7. Create a Custom Report Type (Salesforce Help)

Analytic Snapshots
  1. Analytics Snapshots: Common Use Cases That Everyone Can Utilize (Dream force)

Validation Rules
  1. Using Validation Rules to Enforce Data Quality in Salesforce (Shell Black)
  2. Examples of Validation Rules (Shell Black)
  3. About Validation Rules (Salesforce Help)
  4. Validation Rules (CoD)
  5. Validation Rules (Appirio)

Field Level Security
  1. Who sees What: Field Level Security (Salesforce)
  2. Security Overview (CoD)
  3. Field-level Security Overview (Salesforce Help)
  4. Salesforce Field-Level Security Cheatsheet (Salesforce)

Record Types
  1. Tips and Hints for Record Types (Salesforce)
  2. Deep Diving into Salesforce Record Types (Arkus)
  3. Record Type in (Johan Yu)

Role Hierarchy
  1. Who Sees What: Record Access via the Role Hierarchy (Salesforce)
  2. Overview of Roles (Salesforce Help)
  3. Controlling Access Using Hierarchies (Salesforce Help)
  4. Setting up Security Part 1 (Shell Black)

Relationship Rules
1.        Relationships Among Objects (Salesforce)
2.        Overview of Object Relationships (Salesforce Help)

For Preparation refer below links :

Quiz Link Part #1 (Click Here)

Quiz Link Part #2 (Click Here)

Sample Mock Questions Part #1. (Click Here To Download)

Sample Mock Questions Part #2 . (Click Here To Download)

Happy Learning !!

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